What Is A Starseed?

Souls having lived or originated on other planets, other galaxies, on spacecraft, or in other dimensions and interlocking world spaces, who have volunteered to assist in bringing in the New Age of Reason and assist Earth through her next phase of evolution. They inhabit their human body from its birth. Some are born knowing their identity and purpose, others are to be activated, or wake up, at a later time. The timing of the moment of birth is deliberate.  Souls agreeing to come to Earth together find corresponding genetics that fit their soul’s mission. A lot of experiments have been put in motion through bloodlines just for this purpose, in order to house the star seed operation. There are many variations of these experiments with starseed, and there are many combinations of astrological star codings, from planet placement to blood/genetic requirements, to match galactic agendas. One may have astrological markings through star seed codes, but without the bloodline to enhance the markings, it gets more difficult for a starseed to resonate to galactic agenda, but not impossible. Starseed are programmed, so to speak, to aid in the activation of their brothers and sisters in collective advancement through moral, ethical and mental/spiritual guidance. When a starseed is called upon to gather in “unison of purpose,” that is when others seem to witness miracles or magic in motion, because of their combined galactic heritage. Most starseed that are truly activated from all levels seem to hold their optimism about the missions that they have chosen. Another trait of starseed is to totally rejuvenate their bodies through meditation or other modes of healing. Others not yet activated into their knowing can, and do, turn sometimes to darker agendas of behavior.  True power of starseed comes from knowing their total journey. There seems to be a constant among starseed, and that is that a guidance system seems to oversee their stay on Earth and assist when truly needed.

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