The Grand Design – Part 4

The coding at birth upon the planet Earth would determine the probabilities and responsibilities of the Star Seed, Walk-Ins or Lightworkers. Some were born with total recall and knew of their missions, while others were to be activated at later times, corresponding to their coding by cosmic planetary law. All are dedicated to the advancement of Earth and its inhabitants, and everyone has been monitored closely by their Celestial Guardians via ionized frequency attunement through thought form vibrations. Each of these special beings, whether they are Star Seed, Walk-ins or Lightworkers, have one common goal and that is to help bring in the New Age of Reason. They help by bringing in new information, new living conditions, and health techniques that will restore the perfect body. Also with new ways of educating children, rediscovering ancient sciences, and last, but not least, bringing back to the earth the Divine Cosmic Laws that have been long forgotten. All of this is being brought about by these special beings, with the help of their Celestial Guardians or Overseers. This is a Cosmic Plan programmed and activated by frequency attunement via silica throughout the Universe.

There is a silver cord that connects the spirit with the physical body. Some have seen this silver cord while experiencing out of body flight. This is an energy system that helps maintain the Life Force within the physical body. Without this silver cord, the golden frequency of Life Force could not survive, and therefore would not manifest as life. This Life Force in turn produces an auric field around the body, which is viewed by some mystics and psychics. The colors that emanate from the body will be in correspondence to 7 rays of light. The Life Force, when viewed from other dimensions, is considered to be the golden frequency. This golden frequency has different degrees of intensity. Although most people on Earth cannot see this golden light, it is sometimes felt by sensitives. It is this Life Force, this Golden Energy that is set in frequency with Star Seed, Walk-ins and Lightworkers upon the planet, that is different in rate of vibration than the rest of the humans.

When this Life Force becomes low, the golden frequency seems to short circuit or seems to become disconnected from the Star Seed, Walk-In or Lightworker, then that person’s mission seems impossible to complete. This can be the most devastating thing that can happen to these special messengers. This results in the inability to pick up the signals of their Celestial Guardians or feel the presence of their home. When this situation occurs, then a loneliness prevails and many have given up to degenerative diseases. In extreme cases, suicide has come about because the pain of disconnection was too great to bear. A disconnection from the golden energy of Life Force can throw the physical body, in its atomic structure, into a degenerative position. Click Here to Continue to Part 5

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