The Grand Design – Part 2

Quartz crystals are formed by heat melting the chemicals of which they are composed, silicon dioxide, forcing them into cracks and crevices where the chemicals united, condensed, solidified and became six sided crystals. Because of their chemical nature, all quartz crystals have six sides. They will, when melted, resume a hexagonal shape as they cool. If cooled slowly, they form a single six sided point. If cooled rapidly, they spangle out into a cluster of many points, all six sided. The human body also contains silica, in the blood and connective tissues of the brain, the spinal cord and the nerves.

Throughout the history of man, Silica has played an important part, especially in the timing of prophecy and maintaining galactic experiments of advanced knowledge. But not until January of 1942 was the need as great as when the Federation of Galactic Intent met and decided that those who were to be born would need greater amounts of Silica within their bodies. A strong Galactic stand was taken and the programming of the Star Seed was at hand. A rebalancing process was to begin upon the Earth to help save the planet from destruction. The frequency of Silica was increased because the High Beings that were coming to Earth would need stronger sending and receiving stations in order to maintain contact with their High Command. Silica became part of the monitoring device which in turn became a guidance system for the Star Seed upon the planet. Because of the different missions, some Star Seed’s silica requirement is much higher. Click Here to Continue to Part 3

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