Starseed Tool Belt – Part 1

There are certain things that every starseed can use to help you in your mission, whatever it might be. Tracking the energies around you is essential to make wise choices. Having your blood crystals fully supported to maintain your connection to your Star Family is another must. The following are some of the tools that we have found to be critical to success, and are not in any particular order:

1. Silica supplementation. Think of it as having plenty of signal strength on your phone. Your Star family is connected to you by using your blood crystals to transmit information, and for you to have the power to be heard. It therefore helps with feelings of disconnection, as well as depression. EMF from cell phones, towers, computers, WiFi, etc., just sucks the silica out of you, so you have to keep replacing it every day. You can’t really OD on it, so experiment to find your daily need. It comes in many forms in just about any health store, as well as online sources, like  I use World Organics Silica 500, because it’s high quality and easy to assimilate, which is a factor between various brands.  Generally, an organic form such as bamboo extract or horsetail herb extract, is a good choice.  You may need to experiment a little to find the one that works best for you.  Just get some! (p.s.-when you order from the first time, use this promo code to get up to $10 off: SAV916. They have fast, free shipping, too.) Click Here to Continue to part 2

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