Your Solar Return timing chart tells you when Your Ten Hours of Power will occur.

Each year, when the Sun Returns to the exact degree of your birth, you get a Ten Hour window of great manifestation power, 1000% more than any other time. When you were born, the silica in your blood (blood crystals) was like a blank microchip, but when you emerged from the womb and drew your first breath, that silica was imprinted with the energies of that moment, and they stay with you permanently. When the Sun starts to approach that exact degree, for five hours prior and five hours after, your blood crystals resonate to their “home frequency” and whatever you’re doing at that time reverberates through the coming year. This is your true birthday. The energy of your Solar Return chart is like a new outfit that you’ll wear for a year, bringing you some different tools and activating latent abilities.
The most important thing is to approach this Ten Hour window with deliberate planning of how you’ll spend your time. Write a list of all the things you want to manifest in the coming year, without violating the free will of another, and write them as if they already happened, and you’re expressing profuse gratitude for already having those things on list. It can be anything from the material to spiritual. Just be sure that you spend at least 6 of those hours in joyousness and gratitude, and stay clear of any people that usually irritate you, or demand you to be patient and tolerant.
You’ll receive an email, usually within a few days, with your Solar Return chart, including the specific timing (entrance, peak and exit) of your Ten Hours of Power, and a document explaining Solar Returns in more detail. You can also look in our Vault of Knowledge for more general Solar Return information.