What we call Pleiadean Line Up happens twice a year in May and November, when the Sun is in Taurus or Scorpio at galactic degree (25, 26, 27), and the earth is in direct alignment with the Pleiades. During this time each year, there will be heightened Pleiadean activity as they tend to their projects, start new ones, make observations and take graduates home. It is a time for realignment, re-commitment, and re-evaluation on our parts. If you need help and guidance, this is a good time to request it, as the telepathic signal has a “power boost” during this period. We can always “call home”, but the connection is stronger during this time. It’s a great time to charge your crystals with this frequency – just clean them first with salted water and put them in the outdoor sun during the noon hours over these days. (It doesn’t matter if it’s rainy.) Your crystals will hold and amplify the Pleiadean frequency to empower you year round.
Millennia ago, an advanced civilization from the Pleiades star cluster introduced their genetics on planet Earth. They observed the evolution of the species, experimenting with ways to further spiritual development. Atlantis, the ancient Egyptian and Greek civilizations were all Pleiadean projects. Their programmed “energy signature” was encoded and imprinted on DNA, the way fingerprints are left behind when you touch something. This energy signature responds to its own origins, like a radio tuned for one station.
When our sun is at Galactic (25, 26, 27) degree of Taurus or Scorpio, we are in astronomical alignment with the Pleiades, both at the conjunct in Taurus or the opposition in Scorpio. The Pleiadean energy signature on the planet is activated, like a gong that lasts for three days, twice a year. It is a time of Pleiadean entrances and exits, when they tend to their projects, whether starting, maintaining or ending.
Those with the matching energy signature can be activated (woken up), those already awake can be empowered, and those ready to finish and graduate may leave, or start something new at a higher level.
While the Pleiadean interaction here isn’t limited to this timing, it is the time of the highest activity. Someone born with a planet or house cusp at Galactic degree in Taurus or Scorpio would be connected to the Pleiadeans at some level all the time, unless their bloodline had been so intermixed that the original encoding is skewed. It’s like your radio station isn’t coming in loud and clear, but if you really want to, you can train your ears to listen.
Pay attention to what happens on May 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and November 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, not only in your personal life, but on a global scale. Because of leap year, sometimes the sun might reach 25° before the 16th, but that’s something you can easily find out, thanks to the internet, as it is astronomical information.
Ultimately, the Pleiadean agenda is one of spiritual development toward the ability of a species to live in harmony with each other, realizing a group conscience and consciousness, and to live in balance with Nature.
What we call Pleiadean Lineup, is both an astronomical alignment and a time for activation, realignment or action concerning Pleiadean agendas.